Auction Privacy
A look at the different auction privacy options when creating an auction. Who can see your auction and where you will promote it.
Auction Privacy explained
You have 7 privacy options when creating a listing:
Show & Share (share with all your networks)- Your auction will be visible on Krank’s public marketplace and you can share it on your social networks for greater reach.
Show Auction to my connections only- Your auction will only be visible in your connections’ marketplace.
Show Auction to my private connections only- Your auction will only be visible in your ‘private’ connections’ marketplace.
Show Auction to my networks only -Your auction will be visible to all your company’s networks and the connections in those networks.
Show Auction to my co-workers only- Your auction will only be visible to your co-workers in your own company network.
Show Auction to selected network group- Your auction will only be visible to those selected networks within a group and the connections within each network.
Show Auction to selected dealer group- Your auction will only be visible to those selected dealers within a group and the connections within each dealer network.
You are also presented with a further 2 options:
Show my company profile in this listing to my connections only- If you do not want your company and personal profile ID to be visible in your listing, when displayed on Krank’s public marketplace and viewed by people not connected with you or your company, select ‘No’
Post this listing in my newsfeed
Tag your contacts to notify them about this listing