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Dealer networks

A walk-through what dealer networks are and how to manager them.

What is a dealer network?

A dealer network is used by a manufacturer or large company with several branches, importers, or divisions to appoint these as designated dealer networks. Once dealer networks have been formed listings can be ‘assigned’ to dealer networks for greater coverage in advertising.

You will either appoint a dealer network or you will be appointed as a dealer network by a manufacturer or your head office.

How do I create a dealer network?

Go to your main navigation dashboard on the left-hand side of your screen, click on “Dealers” (1). From here you can view and manage your Dealers (2).

At the top of the page you have three options (3) to add dealers from an existing network, to add a dealer to your network and also to view your Dealer Groups.

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I am a manufacturer, can viewers of my company profile find my dealer networks?

Yes, your dealer networks will be visible on your company’s public profile page.

I am an appointed dealer for a manufacturer; can viewers of my company profile page see this?

Yes, if you are an appointed dealer network for a manufacturer, this will be visible on your company’s public profile page.

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