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A walk through Newsfeed and how you can use and manage this to promote your activities across your marketplace or specific groups.

How do I create a post/update?

From the top search bar on the site you can click the ‘Share an update’ button at the top-right of your screen (1).

Where can I control the privacy options for my post?

As soon as you’ve created your post, click on the drop-down menu starting with ‘Connections’ directly underneath the update box (2). Here you can select which the privacy option that suits you best.

What happens when I hit ‘Tag Connections’ in a post?

When you tag a connection in a post, they will receive a notification carrying the link to your post – a gentle tap on the shoulder that you’ve made it.

How can I delete a post?

Delete your post by hitting the 3 dots icon in the top right-hand corner of the post (3). Here you will get two options: Delete Post or Change Privacy.

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