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Enterprise Settings

A break down of the features found in enterprise settings.

What is Enterprise Settings and why can I see this?

Enterprise Settings allows you to manage your company account, you have access to this as you are set up as a Super Admin (what is this?). Here you can manage user permissions, approve requests and much more that we will explore below.


This will be your Enterprise platform URL. It is a prefix or Sub-Domain of to get you started & cannot be changed once created. e.g. In addition to using the Enterprise prefix Sub-Domain you can redirect any existing domains to it. This needs to be done by your technical team, but if you need any support we can help. Contact your customer success manager.

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In the Permissions tab you can invite more of your Co-workers to join the marketplace (1) and manage those that are already registered (2) by ensuring that they have the correct permissions set up in relation to the tasks you expect them to carry out (3).

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The co-workers tab gives you a full list of your co-workers set up on the marketplace. Here it is quick and easy to view their current status (1), edit permissions (2), change their password should it need to be reset (3) and the usual functions you will see with connections (Request/Remove connection, quick meeting, and Message).

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The “Approvals” tab will show you any requests from co-workers for additional permissions. For example, a co-worker tries to create a listing but doesn’t have the right permissions to do this, they can send a request to have this changed. You can then simply Accept or Reject the request.

Signup Requests

The “Signup Requests” tab will show you any requests to signup requests through your company account. You can then simply Accept or Reject the request.

Marketplace Requests

The “Marketplace Requests” tab will show you any requests for access to your marketplace. You can then simply Accept or Reject the request. For example, a customer wishes to list an item through your marketplace they can send a request after creating a listing for you to review.


Editor gives you the potential to design your own site pages, such as landing page, and accompanying SEO requirements. We recommend you reach out to your Customer Success Manager should you wish to use this feature/ discuss more your requirements.

Chat Settings

The “Chat Settings” tab allows you to manage your chat bot by giving it a name and assigning your Co-Workers for each internal department (e.g., Finance, Sales and Marketing), this ensures that, depending on the query type, the correct Co-Worker can answer.

Google Tags

The “Google Tags” tab allows you to link your Google analytics.

Note: If you use GA code in your GTM please leave the GA tracking code blank.

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